Monday, October 11, 2010

Which is the Best Freelancing Website?????

Which is the Best Freelancing Website? Every Vote Counts

Freelancing is become the next career move for lots of young to experienced professional. People do freelancing to increase the income or also there are some full time freelancer whose everyday job is freelancing and for work from home mom it becomes blessing.

There are number of freelancing websites available on the internet...just want to know in how many freelance website you have opened your account?

Also let other knows in comment that it’s worth for you? Are you getting income/project from it or not?

[Choose upto 2] is a new website to outsourcing your IT services and which give guarantee work opportunity to freelancers.


  1. Cool Poll.

    Different marketplaces will be best for different people. Some are great for buyers, while others are better for providers. The best are those which strike a good balance between the two. Also critical in evaluating the best marketplace is looking at the quality of service, safety and protection and fees and charges among other things. There is no easy answer to the question, which is why I launched to help people draw their own conclusions based on the facts!

  2. @Saif Bonar Yes, I have visited your website and also have included your survey on my blog. Liked your website and you are doing good job :)


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